Il 16 marzo, anniversario della sua scomparsa, si ricorderà il dott. Giovanni Caso in un convegno a Roma. 

Al centro del convegno i temi del diritto e della giustizia, argomenti che Gianni Caso ha posto al centro del suo impegno professionale e dei suoi studi. 

La figura del magistrato, insieme a quello dell’uomo che credeva profondamente nel compito della giustizia per la costruzione di una nuova società, basata sui valori di solidarietà e fraternità, verrà ricordata secondo diverse sfaccettature. 

Il convegno si terrà in presenza e sarà possibile seguirlo anche via zoom: 


Sabato 16 marzo 2024 dalle ore 09:30 alle ore 12.30

Entra Zoom Riunione

ID riunione: 837 8264 6193

Codice d’accesso: Diritto


invito 16 marzo 2024

Vulnerable humanity and the new frontiers of law

Today, we are here to reflect together in a time wherein we find ourselves in a blockage. A time that involves all of humanity in a pandemic, from North to South. Wherein globalization, generated by the logic of profit laws of the market and finance, seems to be devastated by it.

Presso l’Istituto Universitario Sophia a Loppiano (Incisa Val d’Arno) si svolgerà dal 9 all’11 settembre 2022 un Seminario internazionale dal titolo La dignità della persona nell’era delle sfide dell’Intelligenza Artificiale, organizzato da Comunione e Diritto, rete internazionale di giuristi, in collaborazione con Sophia Center for Research in Politics and Human Rights (PHR). Registration Form

PROGRAMMA | Italiano | English | Portoghese

The pandemic has highlighted what is not working and has shown us that it is necessary to take new steps together, both in small practical aspects and strategic choices.

On 8, 9 and 10 June 2021, the II Congress of the IEDF - Brazilian Institute of Education for Rights and Fraternity - and the VII Seminar of the Communion and Law Group of Central-West Brazil transpired. They addressed Brazilian Justice on the themes of "Technology, Education and Fraternity"..

"Pòs- pandemia: direito e justiça ao serviço de uma sociedade inclusiva" Maria Giovanna Rigatelli

"Pandemia e Fraternidade a resposta comunitária oferecida pela agenda da ONU , uma agenda para o século XXI"

Lafayette Pozzoli

"A humanidade vulnerável e as novas fronteiras do direito"Adriana Cossedu

It starts with the story of 2 children sold by their mother. Story told by Lisa (lawyer from the Philippines). With an experience of Shanti Ashram. A wound of our time
08 MAGGIO | TIME: 12:30 (UTC+2) Link 


Comunione and Diritto
COVID-19 - Crisis: A Dialogue on Human Rights. Hot Topics
What comes first: the fast-track economic resurgence or a slower sustainable one? Which limitations on our rights are we willing to eccept to enforce stay-at-home rules? What has been the reality of our responses to immigrants amid the pandemic?
May 8 at 18:00-19:00 (UTC+2)


Yaguine Koita et Fode Tounkara, nos amis.
“Yaguine Koita and Fodé Tounkara, our friends”. Sulle migrazioni. Storia di un rifugiato in Italia (Parma) – Apolos: una storia di “ressurezione”. Con Comunità Sto Egideo.




La SUMMMER SCHOOL è rinviata a data da destinarsi!
A causa della situazione attuale dovuta alla pandemia, si è deciso di rinviare l'evento ad una data ancora da definire.

L’evento si svolgerà su Zoom. Per prenotarsi e ricevere i dati per l’accesso inviare mail a This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Maggiori informazioni: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Data / Ora
Date(s) - 25/03/2021
20:45 - 22:00

Public Sector and commitment for fraternity: a challenge for today

 Registration Form

Streaming nelle diverse lingue

cj bt2017 einladung1

A Christian and a Lawyer?

There is no question mark on the publicity or program for a conference organized in Kassel (Germany) by the Association of Christian Lawyers (“Christ und Jurist”) which gathers lawyers, for the most part from Germany, who are from different Christian churches. 

The group embodies a common commitment that also leaves room for varying expressions: to discover how to live one’s own life of faith, and to be faithful to this commitment also in professional life.

index2University professors, judges, lawyers, public officials and students gathered to exchange ideas and witness to a set of profound choices.  To give just one example, one lawyer left a lucrative practice in order to dedicate his time to serve the legal needs of recent migrants.  All participants shared the conviction that judicial chambers and legal officers are excellent places to joyfully live out their faith commitments, even when this means swimming against the tide. 

Workshops and presentations during the conference also faced challenging questions such as how to maintain one’s own religious identity while at the same time welcoming those who arrive from other parts of the world, perhaps with different perspectives or convictions. 

Strong commitments to justice were also evidenced in descriptions of work in East Africa, where various projects help to sustain the work of young lawyers in their defense of poor prisoners who have been unjustly incarcerated.

A representative from Indonesia shared examples of those who risk their lives in the fight for justice, and felt sustained by the group’s concern and shared commitment.

Lively conversations, deep relationships and fruitful exchange were the marks of an experience that will not be limited to the conference setting, but that will continue throughout the year, opening new perspectives.



El aporte al derecho y a la ética desde la mirada de Francisco

Raùl Gamarra (Uruguay)
Viernes 30/10, 18:30 hs.
ID de reunion: 829 4631 5685
Còdigo de acceso: 442825

Communion and Law Summer School, July 2016
Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa – Italy)

The Law  in Europe: between reception and rejection: immigration, security, environment

Summer School is a opportunity for law students and young lawyers

Registration from April 15 th to June 30 th (it may close early if the maximum number of 30 participants is reached)


  pdf Programm (95 KB)

Oct 30, 2020 10:00 AM in Santiago - CHILE

Webinar Registration

The environment and law: responsibility and

International Congress - Castelgandolfo

November 13 – 15, 2015

pdf Programm (275 KB)



III Webnàrio Direito e Fraternidade

29 de outubro | "O princípio da fraternidade nas pesquisas cientificas"
Carlos Augusto Alcantara Machado
Clara Machado
Augusto César leite Resende
Lafayette Pozzoli


The international congress sponsored by Communion and Law will be held from November 13-15, 2015, in Castel Gandolfo (Rome). 
The focus this year will be on how citizen participation can help to protect and preserve the environment, and how this concept might inform discussions regarding legal rights and responsibilities regarding environmental protection.
A call for papers will be published shortly, with more detailed elaboration of the themes proposed and indications for how to submit proposals for discussion. 


Comunione e Diritto organizza, in primo luogo in Italia, appuntamenti di approfondimento di temi giuridici attuali e di confronto e scambio tra operatori giuridici.


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